How to Guide

Welcome to the how to guide

Logging in:

To log in use and share the following link with team leaders 

Insert Username and Password 

This will take you to the trainer account page showing a green button for group management and their personal profile underneath. 

To access the group management please click on the green button alternatively this link: 

This will bring you to the main page for team leaders

You can create groups/teams for your learners whether this is by workplace, cohort or training dates. 

Creating a Team/Group

To add a team on your main group management course click manage organization. 

A new window with pop up with two options manage team and add team. 

Click add team and input all details, if you already have a team leader set up click team leader already exists and search there name and then add them. 

Click the available course you need and click arrow pointing to the right to bring it across into active courses and simply click save. 

Once saved it will load and under the manage organization your group/team will be available to manage and monitor.

Managing Team/Group

Under the group/team name you will find three options.

Manage Courses – You can add and remove courses to the team. 

Manage Team Leaders – You can add and remove team leaders to the group. 

Manage Team – You can manage your team members/course candidates edit/add/remove and change passwords. This will help you monitor members accessing the courses. Under the name of the team/group you can add seats, and add team members. 

Adding Seats

Add Seats –  This is how you add more seats if you have ran out of seats. Seats are essentially places on the course. For example if I had 14 learners but only had 10 seats in my allocation I would need to purchase 4 more seats.  Once you click this it will add one seat to your basket and the side window will open up or often the checkout page. You can change the quantity simply by changing the number. 

Discount and Promo Codes for PFAW

12-24 seats – 5% – we5abpzd

25-49 seats – 7.5% – 8b5mjw9p

50-99 seats – 10% – uubteka3

100+ Seats – 20% – qgru83g9

To add promo codes simply click on the basket icon to the right of the page and click “have a promo code?” 

If you have added any of the above numbers the promo code will show as available and just click apply for it to link to your purchase and add the discount. 

Once checked out these seats will be added to your account. 

If you don’t want to add a large amount of seats to one group/team you can add per team/group. Alternatively if you wanted a number of seats per organization in bulk we can organise this on our end simply email [email protected] with your organization, course requirements and seats numbers and we will invoice with all relevant discounts.

Please note if you have requested by invoice then this order will need to be approved by our admin to enable the adding of the seats.

Adding Team Members & Communications

Add a team member – You can add single entry members via this option and it will email the learners. 

You can import multiple user by clicking import list and using the excel download template to input the correct data that is needed. You will then upload and add multiple team members.

Email Team – You have 3 options to email team. 

Broadcast Email – This email will be sent immediately to all team members

Team Member Welcome Email – This email template will be sent when you add new team members

Broadcast Messages – The template sends a message that will show up on screen when team members log in to their account.


On the main group management page as you scroll down you will find “Organization Report” 

As you expand the group using + sign and also the “V” sign this will expand the reporting on the group and team members. This will show progress on lessons and on completion. 

You can also export this as a CVS if you need to share with others.

At the top of the group management page there are three green buttons along the top. 

How to guide – This page 

Group Detailed Quiz Report – This will give you further detail by team member and progress on each lesson or quiz. 

Group Progress Report – This will give you the similar reporting to the one at the bottom of group management pages.

For any further enquiries please email us on [email protected]
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